
What is a Lightworker?

Sa’main addresses the question of exactly what is a lightworker and what they do.  He also discusses how everything on the physical plane is basically energy that has been “frozen” into form.


male, black, young


The Challenges Associated With Light Work

Sa’main discusses frequent challenges faced by lightworkers, particularly in the modern age as well as tools they can use to rebalance.

Grounding, Part 1

Sa’main talks about grounding into the Earth, how the Earth is a living being and how connecting to that spiritual energy can increase our own sense of expansion and well-being.  This is Part 1 of a two-part series on grounding.



Grounding, Part 2

Sa’main gives a powerful grounding exercise using the imagery of a tree to assist with grounding.  This is Part 2 of a two-part series on grounding.

New Astral Energies, Part 1

Sa’main discusses the new astral energies present on the Earth plane.  This is Part 1 of a multi-part series.  

blurred, star, snow


universe, sky, stars


New Astral Energies, Part 2

Sa’main continues his discussion of the new astral energies present now on the Earth plane and how they are intricately related to the development of humanity.  This is Part 2 of a multi-part series.