What Is a Lightworker?

Welcome my dear, dear friends.  We are Sa’main.  We transmit to you, through these words, our light and love.  May you fill up with this light, so that you may radiate it outward unto all who may receive it.

Now, we wish to address the concept of a lightworker.  Some may ask, what exactly is a lightworker?  Well, in order to understand, it helps to explain how energy or light works.  Your scientists have discovered that light can manifest as both a particle and as a wave.  Light emits particles but also can travel as a wave.

Everything around you on the physical plane is essentially light or energy that has been “frozen” into some type of form.  We realize this may be an unfamiliar concept to some.  However, much of the activity in your body can be measured in terms of energy.  Think of an electrocardiogram which monitors and measures the electrical activity in your heart.  Electricity is a form of energy.  An EEG measures activity in the brain by following its electrical patterns.  So your heart and your brain, as well as other body systems, emanate energy that can be measured by machines.

Your body itself is made up of cells, which themselves are made up of molecules.  Molecules are made up of atoms, which consist of particles such as protons and electrons that are either positively or negatively charged.  Again, light and energy.  Along with other subatomic particles, they combine to create the form of the atom.  Energy held together or frozen into form.

Now, energy and light itself may seem to manifest on the physical plane, but in fact is sourced from higher dimensions.  As you move closer to these sources, the frequency of the light changes to a finer, higher vibrational one.  Some of you may be aware of these higher vibrational frequencies through practices such as meditation or energy healing.  Of course, your own higher self exists on these higher levels.

Light and energy from these sources are what we call stepped down through various processes in order to manifest on lower vibrational planes.  This occurs in many ways on the physical plane.  One main source of light frequencies on your planet comes from the sun through its solar rays.  Part of the energy it transmits has been known as chi, ki or prana.  This is essentially life force energy.  Another source of prana energy emanates from the Earth itself.  This energy surrounds all living beings on the planet who absorb this energy through energy centers connected to the endocrine system.  Most of you have heard about these energy centers called chakras.  They absorb prana energy and cycle it through your body systems, breaking it down much like you break down food in order to digest it, and then carry those energetic nutrients to different parts of your body.

What many people don’t seem to understand, however, is that the chakras also expel some of this broken down energy.  Although a portion of that expelled energy is used energy, some of it is fresh energy that has been broken down to be made available to other life forms.  It is an automatic process.  Humans are a major source of this process.  Trees and the plant kingdom are another major source. All life participates in this process.  You literally exist in a sea of energy.

Although this process of transmuting and transmitting energy occurs automatically, it can also be done consciously and with intent.  People who do this consciously are what we call lightworkers.  They learn to quiet their mind and emotions and connect to higher energy sources.  They then bring in this energy and through their intention run it through their energy centers and transmit it others, whether they are humans, animals, plants, or minerals.  The source of the energy isn’t important; it is the process through which the energy is transmuted (broken down) and then transmitted. 

Because humans are an ensouled species, meaning that a large portion of their consciousness has a source from higher dimensional planes, they have the ability to make a conscious connection to this source.  Most lightworkers have spent lifetimes perfecting this ability. 

So this is what we mean when we speak of lightworkers.  Some of you may wonder whether you have this conscious ability.  If you meditate, journey, participate in healing modalities or even astral or mental traveling or journeying, you are consciously participating through your involvement in light work.  If you’ve ever prayed for humanity or the planet and asked for healing for others, you are involved in light work.  It doesn’t require a specific type of mastery, just some level of conscious intent.  Of course, some of you have developed your abilities to the point where you even do it automatically rather than through effort.  And there are many of you who attend schools or training on the inner planes during your sleep cycles where you learn to perfect this ability.

So we hope we have shed more light on what is a lightworker.  Please feel free to explore our other offerings which explain various aspects of light work including specific challenges you may face as a lightworker and processes you may use to find balance and equilibrium in these challenging times.

Good day for now, my loving friends.