


Welcome my dear, dear friends.  We are Sa’main. 

We are a being of light who exists on a different plane of existence, one of a higher vibration than what you experience on the physical level.  In fact, the plane upon which we reside is of an even higher vibration than what you know of as the astral plane.

We are an entity that once experienced cycles of lifetimes, just as you are experiencing now.  We began our physical plane incarnations in a human-like species on a faraway planet.  For various reasons that planet could longer host that life form, and we continued our incarnations as part of the human species on Earth.  Our last incarnation in human form was 2,000 years ago as Bartholomew. 

As our entity members coalesce, integrate, and prepare for our next level of experience, we offer teachings and guidance to those who resonate with our message.  Our goal for this website is to assist those who are lightworkers who have come to the planet at this time to help it through its transition into a higher level of consciousness.  These lightworkers are at the vanguard of the new energies coming through that will help elevate the consciousness of the planet and all species residing upon it to experience a greater amount of universal love.  Because of the challenges involved in this process, lightworkers need a special type of support which we and other beings of light are available to give.

Please feel free to explore our offerings and if you have any questions or need guidance, our light is always available to you on the inner planes.

We send you love and light in your journeys.



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I have been practicing meditation and studying esoteric arts since 1990.  Meditating immediately opened me up to the world of psychic phenomenon.  A few years later, after reading Jane Roberts’ Seth books, I spontaneously found my connection to my own guide and began channeling.

I’ve been working with Sa’main since 2001.  I find him to be quite loving and patient.  He has offered to work with me as part of my world service toward assisting others.

Channeling is a process of bringing through spirit energy whether it be your own soul or higher self, an “independent spirit entity,” energy for healing and growth, or even primary Universal energies such as Divine Love, Divine Wisdom or Divine Will.  It is the process of blending your energies with these higher vibrational energies and creating something new.

My experience of channeling is to blend a part of my energy with a part of Sa’main’s energy.  To do this I become very quiet on a mental and emotional level and wait for a space to open up.  It’s very much like opening an inner space where I have access to more information and awareness than I have in my normal state of awareness.

I hope you resonate with the messages and information on this website.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through the contact page.

I wish you all love and light,



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Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
