male, black, young

Common Challenges for Lightworkers

Welcome my dear, dear friends.  We are Sa’main.  We send you the light of Sirius, that binary star system holding aspects of God Consciousness for your planet, your solar system, and your species.  May you fill up with this light, so that you can radiate it outward unto all who may receive it.

Good.  As lightworkers you hold a special place on the Earth plane.  You work in both the spiritual and the physical realms, bringing through higher vibrational energies through your spiritual practices while living in physical bodies with all the experiences that entails.  Of course, having bodies, you must have enough focus on the physical plane in order to survive.  And as you know surviving on the Earth plane has its own challenges.  Indeed, at any given time many in the human realm are constantly and consistently focused on surviving due to many factors.

All of your senses are designed, in part, for survival.  In fact, you have a mechanism for survival that is referred to as the fight/flight response.  In nature, whenever a threat occurs, you either stay and fight for your survival, or you flee to escape the danger.  With the onset of civilization that type of threat has diminished to a degree.  However, stress plays a major part in your daily lives.  The body perceives stressful events as danger and that triggers the fight/flight response.  The constant triggering of this response with no relief causes a buildup of stress hormones in the body which can affect emotional, psychological, and physical health.

As lightworkers you tend to be quite emotionally and psychically sensitive.  Many of you have chosen to incarnate in bodies that are also quite sensitive in order to be more easily able to access the subtle energies.  The type of spiritual work you are engaged in can exacerbate this physical/psychic sensitivity. 

Due to this dual sensitivity, you might find yourselves frequently overwhelmed.  And during these times of rapid changes and mass events, both your physical and your psychic senses may become more easily overloaded.  Empaths are particularly subject to psychic overload as their gift involves feeling and experiencing what happens to others as if it is happening to themselves.  They often have difficulty separating themselves from others, particularly those they are close to.  For them, learning to establish strong boundaries is extremely important.

We previously have spoken about this, but cannot overemphasize the importance of disconnecting yourself from the media, particularly social media, from time to time and rebalancing yourselves.  Finding your equilibrium is the most important thing you, as lightworkers, can do.  Many of you have a great desire to help humanity at this time.  However, it is very difficult to be of assistance when you are feeling scattered, unbalanced, and overloaded. 

You cannot assist others if you are basically flailing in the waters along with them.  You must find higher ground and anchor yourselves.  Then you will have the stability to be able to offer a helping hand and help pull others out.

Unfortunately, the challenges and problems on the Earth plane will always be present.  As lightworkers you will be working to help reduce them and set the energies for solutions rather than strife.  But they cannot be eliminated.  Even in your own lives, when faced with a great challenge you cannot always fix things all at once.  You make a decision to address the issue and start with those things that you can handle and then work your way through every other component until the challenge shifts and/or is resolved. 

Whenever you do feel yourself in a low vibrational cycle develop the presence of mind to stop, disconnect from the world around you, ground yourself and go within to connect to your higher being.  It does not take any one specific method and can be as easy as closing your eyes and paying attention to your breathing.  Mindfulness meditation is one excellent method.  You can even achieve this state as you go about your daily routine.  It involves focusing on what you are doing as much as you can.  Whenever any thoughts come up, just imagine each one surrounded by a bubble that floats away into the distance.  Toning down the static energy of overwhelming thoughts and emotions can clear your energy centers and allow the higher energies of spirit to come through.  When you are in a higher energy state, it is easier to see clear pathways and solutions to problems.

We will soon be posting journeys to assist you in clearing your mind, body and emotions and achieving these higher states of consciousness.

Until then, feel free to connect to our energy and mentally ask for energetic support.  It is always available to you, my friends.

And so, we leave you with these words and our light and love.

Good day for now, my loving friends.