Grounding, Part 1

Welcome my dear, dear friends.  We are Sa’main.  We send you the light of the Pleiades, that star system holding aspects of Christ Consciousness for your planet, your solar system and your species.  May you fill up with this light so that you can radiate it outward unto all who may receive it.

Good.  Now today we would like to talk about grounding.  What is grounding?  Well, you can consider it a type of energetic reset that helps clear your energy on the physical, etheric, emotional and mental levels.  What it does is bring you into alignment with the earth, grounding you within your earth plane existence while connecting you to spirit.  It basically plugs you into your spiritual awareness while creating a deeper connection to the energy level of the earth plane. 

The planet Earth is a living being that not only hosts life but is itself alive, compared to your moon which is essentially a dead sphere.  Now just because a planet or a satellite orbiting a planet does not host life does not mean that it is not alive.  However, in the case of your moon it does not have that life essence, that life force behind its physical structure.

If you were to energetically travel to the center of the Earth on an energy level, meaning on a non-physical level, you would find much spirit activity there, including the being or spirit who inhabits the Earth’s body.  You are connecting to this spiritual power when you are grounding.  And so, it connects you from spirit, through spirit and into spirit.

Now the methods for connecting into that power are actually quite simple.  We are going to lay out two different methods that you can easily follow that will allow you to have that grounding experience. 

So, for the first method you would either lay on the floor or, if that is not possible, lay on a bed or sofa.  If it is more comfortable you can sit in a chair, but make sure that your feet are connected to the ground.  As you lay or sit, begin to focus on your breathing.  Now, when doing any type of spiritual work, it is always a good idea to take a few deep cleansing breaths.  That is just a matter of breathing more deeply, bringing the air into your diaphragm, filling it first, and then allowing it to fill the chest and lungs.  Then take a long exhale.  You can do this 2, 3, 4, 5 times – whatever it takes to feel as if you are beginning to clear your energetic palate.  Just make sure, however, that you do not tense your body when you take in the deep breaths.  Just allow the breathing to occur.  This deep breathing is a natural way of breathing and your body truly knows how to breath in this manner.

After taking your cleansing breaths allow your breathing to grow normal.  For a few moments just focus on your breathing, the in-breath and the out-breath.  Begin to feel the weight of your body against the floor or the bed, or wherever it is you have positioned yourself.  Allow your body to relax into it.  Begin to become more and more aware of the floor.  If you are laying on a bed, sofa or sitting in a chair, then bring your awareness through that piece of furniture into the floor and just imagine that your awareness is sinking into the ground.  It will occur naturally, this sense of sinking or floating into the ground.  Just allow yourself to go deeper and deeper. 

If you find you are having thoughts, then mentally step back and imagine you are watching them on a screen without sound.  Continue to let your awareness drift deeper and deeper into the ground. 

Now at some point you’ll feel a certain heaviness in your body.  That will be an indication that you’ve begun the grounding process.  And so, at this point the exercise becomes somewhat freeform.  You may find yourself having images or sensing beings that are related to the Earth.  These are non-physical beings who are aware that you are grounding and so they are now coming to assist you.  You may or may not be aware of them.  Try not to force the awareness.  Just let it come naturally. 

This is an easy and non-forcing way to ground and connect to the Earth.  We say non-forcing because it helps you to have this connection without you trying to force it into being.  So, it’s a very easy and natural method, and you can do this as often as you would like.  What you might find after practicing this for a while is that you feel more grounded more often, and that you are not as easily knocked off center by events or people around you.  You might have a greater sense of connection not only to the Earth but also to all who reside upon it:  the plants, the animals, the insects, the other humans.  You’ll feel a greater connection to all of it.  And you’ll also feel a greater connection to your own soul and spirit.

Now, this is just one method to connect to the Earth and to ground.  In our next article we will explore another method that is similarly very easy.

And so, my friends, we leave you with these words and our light and love and that Christ Consciousness of the Pleiades.  May you fill up with this light so that you can radiate it outward to all who may receive it.  Good day for now my loving friends.