blurred, star, snow

New Astral Energies Present on the Earth Plane, Part 1

Welcome my dear, dear friends.  We are Sa’main.  We send you the light of the Pleiades, that star system holding aspects of Christ Consciousness for your planet, your solar system and your species.  May you fill up with this light so that you can radiate it outward unto all who may receive it.

Good.  Now we have already delivered a talk about the future of mankind, and we highly suggest that you listen to it (The Effects of Ascension on the Emotional Body). However, we would like to talk a bit more about this ascension process that you will be undergoing as a species. 

We are aware of certain energies being generated by very high beings from a very high dimension.  It is a dimension of pure love.  These beings are transmitting this high vibration of love to the astral plane surrounding your planet.  What that means is that each planet has several what you call levels or dimensions that are connected to it.  Of course, there is what you call the physical plane.  Then the next dimension or level out is the astral plane, and this is normally the dimension or plane where your spirit will reside once you finish your physical lifetime.  Now there is another dimension above it which many in the esoteric communities refer to as the causal plane.  Some call it the Summerland.  And this is where your entity or oversoul resides.  And there are times when, in between lives, your individual soul will eventually migrate to that higher plane.  But usually, your individual soul migrates to a higher portion of the astral plane. 

If you think of planes divided by seven, and of course the number seven is an especially important number esoterically speaking.  You have seven chakras and seven what you call layers of the aura which correspond to each chakra.  And that is what you call an octave as it were, even though it is the number seven.  But what happens is [in a chord] you have seven notes in one octave and [with] the eighth note you are in the beginning of the next octave.  So, these are very esoterically important numbers.  What occurs then is that you have seven levels or dimensions of one octave connected to a planet.  And so, within this octave you would consider the astral as the fourth or middle note.  Now there are two dimensions lower than what you call the physical and we won’t really go into them, but they are integral to the structure of not only your planet but your universe.  And so, you have all of these notes or levels that correspond to the different levels of experience.

And so, these beings on this high plane of love are actually from a different octave than the octave within which you exist.  These are what you might call God-like beings that are transmitting this high frequency of love which is being transmitted to your astral plane. 

Now the primary energy of the astral plane is one of emotion.  In fact, you might call it the higher vibration or reflection of your own personal emotions.  And so, the energy there has a very strong emotional component, and the beings residing there also have that strong emotional component.  Now that is of course not the only aspect of the astral plane, but it is a very, very prevalent one. 

What occurs when your astral body is stimulated is that the levels below it and above it are stimulated as well.  But usually, it is the level below that is most stimulated.  As we have said, your personal emotional body is a reflection of the astral body and its plane.  As it is lower in vibration, it is affected more by the higher-level astral body and thus resonates with it.  Because your astral body is being affected by these very high energies of love they are, in turn, affecting you on the emotional level. 

So, my friends, what does this mean?  Well, it means that not only are your emotions being stimulated but any emotional blockages that you have are also being stimulated.  So, if you have, let us say, anger, deep anger that you may have repressed, then you may begin to start feeling that anger as the emotional body is brought up in its vibratory level and that blocked anger begins to be stimulated and brought to your consciousness.  What you have is a strong period of when the unconscious, or that of which you are not conscious, becomes conscious.  It comes into your conscious awareness.

And so, any type of belief that you hold about how the world operates which may be connected to those emotions, any old issues that you may have had, or any old experiences which you may have thought you have forgotten are now coming up into your awareness.  And so, this, at least on a temporary level, can create a certain amount of challenge for you as an individual.

Now of course as lightworkers most of you have done a fair amount of personality development work along with your spiritual practices.  They normally go hand in hand.  However, that does not mean that you still don’t have material that needs to be addressed or revisited.  For those of you, however, who have not done as much personality development work or very little at all, if any, then you may find this time more challenging as more unconscious material comes to the forefront of your consciousness and you begin to reexperience some of these feelings and whatever may be connected to them in terms of incidences or relationships. 

And so, you may find yourself thinking of that former love who either may have been forgotten or you may not have thought of in a long while.  Or even if have thought of them you may have felt that whatever feelings you had toward them were resolved.  Well, feelings are complicated things.  And sometimes when they are related to certain experiences or relationships you may think that you have fully resolved them but what has happened is that the distance of time and probably separation between you and the individual or individuals or experience may have just lessened the intensity of those feelings until they have gone under the bridge of your conscious awareness as other experiences have taken up that space.  Often, though, you have only partially resolved some of those feelings.  And so, now you have an opportunity to address your feelings on deeper levels. 

It may be that you may think of this former love and have a realization that the initial feelings are there but perhaps the hurt feelings have dissipated.  Or perhaps you may have realized that this person was already signaling to you that they were not ready for a relationship if that is what occurred, but you were not picking up the signals because you were in the throes of your feelings for them at that time.  And so, you may end up having a new perspective which is another gift of these energies.

We will continue in subsequent articles to discuss these new energies in more depth as there are many aspects to them, and they will be present for quite a long time.

And so, my friends, we leave you with these words and our love and light and that Pleiadean Christ Consciousness.  May you fill up with it so that you may radiate it outward unto all who may receive it.  Good day for now, my loving friends.