Audio Messages

In these audio talks, Sa’main addresses issues pertinent to lightworkers to help them navigate through these challenging times of changes on the Earth.

Sa’main defines what is a lightworker and discusses various ways that they play with energy and light.

Sa’main talks about the new frequencies appearing in the mass aura of lightworkers (as well as some individuals) and how they relate to soul qualities and frequencies not seen on the Earth plane before in such numbers. Originally channeled on 11-17-2020.

Sa’main discusses how the expanded astral energies are triggering hidden beliefs and subpersonalities related to them. Originally channeled on 11-4-2020.

Sa’main discusses the astral energies affecting mankind and how that is stimulating emotions as well as bringing up unconscious beliefs and attitudes. Originally channeled on 10-20-2020.

Sa’main discusses the ascension energies that are bringing up hidden, limited assumptions and beliefs about reality and how important it is to address and shift these limited beliefs as they come up. Originally channeled 10/13/2020.

Sa’main discusses the permanent atoms and how they are the blueprints for our physical/etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Originally channeled on 10-7-2020.
Sa’main discusses the changes in the ascension energies and how they are affecting us on both the astral and the emotional levels. Originally channeled on 9-29-2020.
Sa’main discusses ascension and the effect it will have on the future of mankind on planet Earth. Originally channeled 9-23-2020.
Sa’main talks about timelines and alternate or parallel timelines because we are about to experience a very intense merge with a parallel timeline.

Sa’main discusses the thinning of the veil between the Third Dimension (Physical) and Fourth Dimension (Astral) and some of the issues that may create.

Sa’main discusses great beings from a higher dimension who are sending energies to the earth plane and the lower astral plane to help “clean up” certain emotional/psychological/spiritual energy signatures. Also discusses how the lower astral plane has been clearing up since 2012.

Sa’main discusses the Universal Wisdom that is being generated by lightworkers and how that wisdom supports others as they begin to open to their innate intuition and wisdom. He also discusses how this wisdom will grow collectively and initiate great shifts among mankind and the planet.

Sa’main discusses the Earth changes occurring and the importance of transmitting high energies such as Universal Love to help dissipate strong negative energies surrounding these events.

Sa’main talks about the gifts of challenges and learning to hold a higher vision for others even when their actions don’t match that higher vision.

Sa’main discusses upcoming Earth changes and political and social upheavals across the planet, the fifth dimensional energies coming from the sun Betelgeuse through the planet Venus and how that affects the astral level of our planet and the emotional bodies of mankind; he also discusses the importance of developing the emotional body.

Sa’main discusses the spirit energy behind planets and suns (stars), the special relationships some have with each other and the beings behind the transmissions coming from both the center of the galaxy and beyond.

Sa’main discusses grounding and how to connect to the Earth in order to build a better foundation both for living and for spiritual growth.

Sa’main discusses self-care for lightworkers and the need to maintain connection with their inner guidance.

Sa’main talks about ascension energies, energy blockages and how they are related to consciousness.

Sa’main discusses ascension and what it means and that mankind will be ascending to the 4th and 5th dimensions of the planet

Sa’main describes the new energies coming to Earth and how they are being affected by the 1st, 6th and 7th Rays.

Sa’main discusses “Ease of Beingness” and how physical ease, emotional flow and mental fluidity contribute to this state of being.